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NT Hettigei

N. T. Hettigei is a spiritual teacher, writer, and self-publisher who has shared his true happiness experience with others for the last three decades.


He spreads nonviolence and harmony by promoting inner and global peace.  With that intention, he founded in 1992 at the dawn of the internet. He sincerely wishes that his writing, discussion, publications, online presence, and teaching would help others find inner peace and true happiness to resolve the challenges in their lives and the world.

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His Story

NT's life journey started in a rural village in Sri Lanka. He has navigated through personal and professional challenges in Sri Lanka, New Zealand, and the United States and attributes his success to inner peace. He is a retired certified public and chartered accountant–CPA and ACA–and an IT audit–CISA–and information security professional–CISSP. He gave up his earlier career to fulfill the aspiration of sharing his experience of inner peace.


Since his teens, he has been a beacon on the ocean of inner peace and shared his firsthand experience of true happiness in a small group setting and remote teaching and discussions. This sharing spread across many societies, such as group sittings with ordained monks in Stokes Valley Buddhist Monastery in New Zealand to spiritual seeker groups in Amaravati Buddhist Monastery, London, UK, and Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Mesa, Arizona, in the United States.


He self-published "Are You a Philosopher or a Sage" in 2009 and "Explore Within" in 2019/2022, sharing his true happiness experience with a wider audience and founder of the and Sages nth Foundation.


His new book, "Beyond Our Self-Image," will be available in May 2024. You can pre-order it from Amazon or Barnes & Noble.


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